We want to provide practical and applicable experiences for your home in the extense world of food.We believe that it is very important for every person to have access to an adequate nutrition to their circumstances in their own family.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Celiac Disease

Annually increase the incidence of celiac disease in the population. But this food intolerance can be perfectly compatible with a healthy lifestyle in children or in adults, as long as we know which foods contain gluten (protein fraction of some cereals responsible for intolerance). Attached is a list that can guide or help those responsible for feeding people with this intolerance.List of ingredients that usually appears on the labeling of food products that contain or may contain gluten are:Gluten, grain, flour, modified starches (E-1404, E-1410, E-1412, E-1413, E-1414, E-1420, E-1422, E1440, E-1442, E-1450), starch, starch, fiber, thickeners, meal, protein, vegetable protein, hydrolyzed protein, vegetable protein, malt, malt extract, yeast, yeast extract, spices and flavorings.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Sometimes we have relatives at home with a health problem. Taking care of from feeding is
sometimes the main treatment, and we depend heavily improvement. An example is hypertension, caused by a hardening of the vessel wall.

Attached is a list of foods recommended for its low sodium content and other deprecated.


VEGETABLES: fresh and frozen (avoid in acute phases spinach, celery, chard, watercress, beet and carrot)
Fresh fruits in syrup, juice, dry.
Natural fruit juices.
Unsalted roasted nuts, chestnuts and pine nuts
CEREALS: bread, biscuits and bread without salt.
Rice, pulses, potato
Pasta, flour, cereals.
MEAT: all types, fresh or frozen.
Poultry viscera.
Fresh eggs.
Fresh fish or frozen.
DAIRY: YES, but unsalted cheese. Yes ice cream.
FATS: unsalted butter and margarine. Cream and oils.
Drinks poorly mineralized (<50mg />


VEGETABLES, canned in juice packaged, ready to fry precociados, pickles.
Salted nuts and olives.
MEAT, FISH AND EGGS: meat salted, smoked, cured meats and sausages.
Pizza, cakes, pies.
Meat extracts (type Avecrem etc.)
Salted, smoked, canned, precooked.
FATS AND BUTTER with salt.
Sea salt, iodine, fluorine ..
prepared sauces
Packet soups, mayonnaise, keptchup.
Industrial pastry, snacks, soft drinks,
Coffee (no sodium, but increases tension)

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Often is heard this recommendation from pediatricians, teachers, nutritionists, ... or simply we have this experience. Why do we have to cover our needs well at this moment of the day, whatever our age is?

Breakfast is the first intake we make after a number of hours of fasting. And we need carbohydrate reserves to meet our activities throughout the day. When we got up, these reserves in a healthy individual are not covered.

What should we eat?

Current recommendations state that breakfast has to be composed of milk, cereal and fruit. Also the variety in food choice is important.

Also, breakfast (including a mid-morning recommended but optional) to cover 30% of the energy of the day. It is important to eat a good breakfast, always.

We put forward some examples that illustrate this need so basic that can determine, without realizing it, our activity, performance and effectiveness of it.

The "back to school" is a good time to introduce children-and all the family in this habit as healthy.
This recommendation is outstanding in children and adolescents is extensive literature showing a direct correlation between school performance and proper nutrition in children and adolescents, and a good nutritional status.