We want to provide practical and applicable experiences for your home in the extense world of food.We believe that it is very important for every person to have access to an adequate nutrition to their circumstances in their own family.

Monday, November 15, 2010


It is very helpful to have a calendar that gives us a little foresight when thinking home menu, shopping list, etc.. Besides knowing well the seasonality of food, they will draw and the highest yield (as all have their immediate consumption). Although now we can get almost any fresh produce all year round thanks to the Food Technology, siemptre not meet all its properties. Attached here a calendar of fruits and vegetables if you served.

 (Pincha en el calendario para verlo en su tamaño original)
Hay otros con frutas más exóticas o de verduras propias sólo de algunas zonas, que si estáis interesados, podéis pedirnos en el buzón de sugerencias.

Monday, October 11, 2010


Healthy ... and accessible to all. It's a pleasant surprise to see how many blogs there are on the Internet with information as valuable as "how to make an omelette", hung on the web for so many users. I mean, among many people, there are simple things like the world of "home" that are as affordable as a click. This also try to do it from this blog.

Also, always sobering comments and are the starting point for new entries.
Anyway, in your house will not notice until you "get wet" in the kitchen. But not just any modo.Y not show what one can do to prepare but simply something for yours ...You like it! Because of the photo there is a stretch of reality.
Have you tried for example to prepare a dessert that usually buy at the bakery? Not only be cheaper, but will be much healthier and nutritionally get (at least for a while) have yours enjoy at the table talking about anything. And it's catchy. Do you dare to try?

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


We all know that bread is a staple in our diet, and you can not miss at home. Expressions like "be longer than a day without bread" or "bring the bread under his arm," among others, give an idea of the importance of this ancient food. All cultures have developed a product based on cereals, yeast, bread and water. This is essentially the bread.
But now there are hundreds of types in our market, and you can find which one best suits the needs of your people, to a more or less reasonable cost. You do not need the same bread snack than a breakfast sausage, or perhaps there are dentures that do not allow all the textures. Or simply, there are fans who prefer to bake bread at home, and even elaborate. What kind of bread do you know?

Here we encourage you to know this staple of healthy eating. On the other hand, the recommended daily intake is 20 to 40 grams per meal. It is a food rich in carbohydrates and B vitamins, especially.

Instead of listing a list (which would be quite extensive) types of bread, we encourage you to be a "curious / a" a good bakery and hauls you with simple recipes, snacks, ... and if you have option to you to work out something at home.

Later publish a list of most common types of bread and ways to preserve it. It does not matter that other bread.
To make homemade bread: http://www.directoalpaladar.com/recetas-de-panes/como-hacer-pan-casero-receta
Here, a simple relationship of some breads: http://www.creativegan.net/archives/tipos-de-panes/

Saturday, July 10, 2010


Did you know that the cheese may be addictive? Yes, like coffee or chocolate. And anyone who reads this and is cheese lover, you might be surprised, but surely admit that yes, it can be.
But there are so many types of cheese, and some see them so rarely ...
It's simple to use this food to our regular menu, but do not abuse it. Though rich in calcium, is also a source of other nutrients. What kinds of cheese there, how I can use in my house, what is your approximate composition?

We present several links where you can easily view information about cheese.
Nutritional composition and classification according to fat content,% ES (dry), in: http://www.dietecon.es/articulos-basico-queso.php
Common types of cheese and their origin in: http://www.bedri.es/Comer_y_beber/Queso/Tipos_de_quesos.htm
Cheese Recipes: this page is very international and includes tricks, videos and books on cheese, Click: http://www.mis-recetas.org/recetas/list/9-quesos
You can also bring your own experience in commenting on this post or other blogs or forums.

Friday, June 18, 2010


And is that the issue of the fruit is always difficult. Because they always have great variety (yes that's with current biotechnology, but not at any price), so who often worry about the shopping cart usually take into account the seasonality of the fruit. And now in June, begins a series that gives great variability in the dishes. We encourage you to enter this very interesting link, which also suggests recipes for each ingredient. And not only fruit, but also vegetables.
If you can, take the time to see what the market offers, is a gain for the whole family.

Frutas y verduras de Junio

Sunday, May 30, 2010


It was held the II Contest "Nutrivideo" organized by the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Navarra. And the winners are students of a school in Pamplona. And it is very easy to access nutrition information. The awards were presented on 28 May which, incidentally, was the National Day of Nutrition, held under the motto "Feed your information." A new code labeling many products have already made. What do you know about the information contained in the foods you buy?
This page explains in detail the system of CDO's (Guideline Daily Amount).

Monday, May 3, 2010


Every day can be a case of passing in front of a grocery store and watch prices, and shopping ... I can even go through the head to make a good dessert to my family with these fruits. I look the Internet, or wonder through social networks someone and in a minute I have a more or less valid for my house.

But now we have to implement it. Because it is not just thinking about a dessert, for example. I think it's quite a challenge, especially considering the amount of things we have to do all along the day, get to work ...

  From the virtual to the tangible there is a stretch. But if healthy eating at home is written thus more can still be done with the facts. Yes, as long as we decide to "get wet". Here are some strawberries and cream that have nothing to do with some strawberries and cream spray. And it only takes a few minutes.


The day before:

Wash strawberries. Remove the tail and cut into halves (bite size).
Pour over sugar and the juice of one or two lemons.
Marinate in the refrigerator, and turn it a few times or three.
Before eating them:
Whip the cream, cold and adding a tablespoon of powdered milk if you want to give stability to the cream.
Serve in a bowl of strawberries with cream on top, or apart so everyone can enjoy your taste.
You can also marinate with some kind muscat dessert wine, or milk (according to the public!)

If the cream is too heavy, it can be a mixture of plain yogurt with a little condensed milk. There are a thousand and one ways to make this fruit like both and whose season is very short (at least, at a good price). With chocolate, cake (cake California, for example), with other fruits, ...

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Managing enthusiasm

Yes, yes, you can purchase the enthusiasm, even when we think it is genetic and our genome does not include this character. We would all like so often make things more comfortable, or at least enjoy more of what we do. We have heard many times how fast we live, but we have no time to see how to fix what is not. Do not have time or do not want to be realistic? Not to be fatalistic. Quite the contrary. As one author, "it touches, touches. But with joy." Well, it's not a matter of much knowledge, but other types of wisdom: the role before it in relation to their own and it plays. And enjoy living. Does this have something to do with healthy feeding at home?It has everything to do. It is not enough to be clear how much we care about the family (if they have clear), but you have to prove. And although it is not easy, you can. But you have to commit to their own family.The author whose appointment has been written above is Victor Kupers, and yours is also the statement that "there is nothing worse than a useless motivated." Or what is the same, not enough to be clear about what I want, but I need to know how to do and have the experience that I have. And on the contrary, are useless thousand cooking skills and professional experience years later if I can not add the ingredient wanting to get involved in what I do. Serve an example: John has won six national awards in Financial Economics. But he comes home and is not able to take a few minutes to the cost of the basket, because he is very busy in an abstract being drafted for the magazine's most prestigious economy in their country. Professionally he is a "crack", but at home they can not count on him (although he says he does it all for his family).Perhaps this example may seem exaggerated, but maybe not. So from this blog we encourage you to put all of you if you consider that the family is important. And if it's what we publish, we rejoice.

Monday, March 1, 2010


It is a fact that this is one of the largest appliances we use, and being very closely related to healthy eating, we will make some notes on it. Did you fill according to his ability? Do I know if you keep the temperature? In what order should I introduce foods?

The refrigerator is in every home the home appliance further opens and closes along the day.

Issues to consider:

First off, adjust the purchase capacity fridge: overloading is dangerous for the unit and for food.
Take out all the ingredients we need when cooking, to prevent the losse of cold.
It is also necessary to introduce a time in the fridge once cooked foods: the life of the unit and by the food and those who are there.
Read labels: ordinarily, once opened products have a short period to consumption.
Pack foods properly to prevent odors and also catch other by cross-contamination.
At the bottom fruits and vegetables are placed.
If possible, observe the order of the shelves to avoid mixing different types of food. For one thing fresh meat and fish, sausage or separated from meats. Milk and cheese can go top, and if there is no egg cup, it is interesting to acquire a fit on the side.
The content of canned Hayque tupperware or transfer them to a glass jar and discard after opening the cans forever.
Although we have planned a menu, sometimes we use ingredients already open for consumption soon: This is also food security!
The temperature should be between 2 and 5 ° C: if is off, it is very important to tell a technician asap.
Cleaning the refrigerator can be performed before saving the purchase, with the same soap kitchen. If systematize this little activity, we will become a good habit.
And, obviously, not saving any non-food product!

Sunday, January 31, 2010


Studies indicate that most adults do not eat enough whole grains and that is also desirable to increase fiber intake. Therefore, nutritionists recommend drinking 3 servings of whole grains a day, as part of a healthy lifestyle within a varied and balanced diet. The Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA or RDA) is 30 g fiber / day.
You can find simple information about what is a whole grain and what are its characteristics. In addition, we attach a way to provide it in the diet.

What are whole grains?

A whole grain is a grain that has retained its seed and its envelope, parts which are a natural source of fiber, vitamins and minerals.

Grains: more than just fiber

Grains, especially whole grains, are a good basis for a healthy diet. Whole grains provide a mixture rich in phytonutrients, antioxidants, complex carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins and minerals.

Other features of cereals:
• They promote satiety for its rich contribution in fiber, so that their consumption and avoid snacking contributes to reach the next meal with a moderate appetite.
• They provide complex carbohydrates. In contrast to simple sugars, the carbohydrate complexes have the characteristic of being metabolized slowly, so that the body stores without entailing a great impact glycemic (sugar levels in the blood).

Recommendations on the consumption of whole grains: You must distribute your intake throughout the day, from breakfast to dinner.
We can mainly be contributed through the bread: fresh, roasted, mold, ...
It also is available with pastries cereals intergrales: the food industry have introduced many products lately.
As the word defines itself, whole grains may be contained in those dishes containing wheat, corn, rye, barley and triticale among the most common.

Saturday, January 2, 2010


This article published by nutritionists can serve as a guideline for the holidays these days without doing abuses that are avoidable.
Respecting, yes, culture and customs of each family, but without losing sight that we gather to celebrate Christmas. In this text we find these days suggestions for exiting the dynamic ordinary kitchen. And I said, Merry Christmas.
