We want to provide practical and applicable experiences for your home in the extense world of food.We believe that it is very important for every person to have access to an adequate nutrition to their circumstances in their own family.

Monday, December 14, 2009


How old are you? That is sometimes the least. What more, though, is that the whole family get together and celebrate.
It is NOT difficult to make a dessert if you spend a little time. An apple pie is available to any chef (in the menu of the week the offer as dessert on Sunday). Besides being always a detail to people, is healthier and above all, "do family".
Here hung a simple recipe ...Not that complicated!

1 1 \ 2 kg of apples
1 cup (water) flour
1 cup (water) milk
1 cup (water) sugar
1 cup (water) short sunflower oil
2 teaspoons baking powder
3 eggs
a pinch of salt

Cut apples into pieces (reserve 2 for garnish) and blend all ingredients together in a suitable container. Pour batter into greased pan and heat the oven at 175 ° for one hour and fifteen minutes or so. Laminate the two apples have reserved and place above before placing in the oven. When the dessert is done, put peach or apricot jam.

Timescale: 20 '+ baking.
Tip: make day before better not to take it hot.

Sunday, November 29, 2009


Salmonellosis is transmitted not only by the eggs, but for lack of hygiene in food handling. To prevent this problem, it is necessary to manipulate the overall health foods, convenient cooking temperatures and conserve those with egg as an ingredient in the refrigerator until the moment of consumption.
But ... How to prevent salmonellosis in my own house?
We attach appropriate hygiene practices to reduce the risk of infection by this organism.

General hygiene, personal and environmental. Please keep overlooked the kitchen free of "obstacles" outside the plate you're cooking.
Refuse broken and dirty eggs.
Respect the expiration dates and preferred consumption.
Do not wash eggs if you do not need to consume immediately
In summer and in warm environments must jell well the omelettes.
Homemade Mayonnaise will be consumed immediately and both it and the Industrial will be kept in the refrigerator.
Do not separate the whites from the yolks with eggshell propria.
Store in the refrigerator: custards, cream pies, sauces, etc.., And eat them within 24 hours after its preparation.
Also, salmonellosis may occur in meat, could be prevented if the entire food chain is kept maximum hygiene from the first stage of production, slaughter of animals, transport, handling up in the kitchen (care utensils, work surfaces, kitchen towels and hygiene of the manipulator).

Saturday, November 14, 2009


The market presents many different brands for a single product, and it is difficult to know which meets the needs of our people.

It is actually quite simple if you learn to read the product labels. It takes just a few seconds and can vary in quality and buying in quantity.

How many times have we bought the same product, simply because we have seen it always, or because it's a known brand? There are many factors that influence our shopping cart, and that says much about the final quality of our purchase. And not necessarily a quality shopping is more expensive or heavier.

In addition, if we know our food pyramid, we will becoming increasingly easy and tempting to make a good buy, as long as we take care not to go to the supermarket without ideas (or on paper) what we eat at home.

But what information tags contain? To unify this information, the Commission adapted (in early 2008) a draft regulation for the labeling of food was more transparent for the consumer.
Here are some of the main points of the proposal:
Prepackaged foods should be obligatory information on the energy content of fat, saturated fat, carbohydrates, sugars and salt / sodium (always in that order) on the front of the pack.
The content is expressed per 100 g or 100 ml of product, or portion of the food as sold. And should also indicate the percentage of the RDA (Recommended Daily Allowance) cover. This information does not relieve the manufacturer required to declare the amount of other substances, if alleging nutrition.
Products with allergenic substances in their list of ingredients should be aware of it, even if it is not pre-packaged foods. Quite a few ingredients that can cause allergies or intolerances: cereals containing gluten, crustaceans, eggs, fish, peanuts, soybeans, milk, nuts, nuts, celery, mustard, sesame seeds, sulphites, lupine and molluscs.
The information must be legible (with a minimum size of 3 mm) and with a significant contrast between the print and background.
The Regulation requires that products with more than three grams of total fat (eg margarine, sausages, etc.) Is also report the content of cholesterol and total fat content broken down into: saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, and fatty trans fatty.

If the product says nutrition and / or special health will be included on the label in addition to the minimum nutritional information, the statement based on the declared special feature.

Monday, November 2, 2009


Mediterranean food pyramid is an instrument that teaches us how often we should eat food in our ways, and in ways that contribute to a healthy diet.

The base is composed of foods in our diet that are high in carbohydrates (complex sugars): at least 50% of the total energy of our diet should be composed of this nutrient. The role of carbohydrates is essentially energy, so they have to be consumed mostly between breakfast and lunch, being less important and recommended for dinner.

Thus, these foods are: bread, cereals, pasta, rice and tubers. Of course, not every day can consume all of them, but you can make a weekly distribution. So one day take pasta, rice another, another potato, ... but in any case it is very important the consumption of bread and cereals in every shot, though not in equal amounts.

Later will detail the other components of the pyramid. This pyramid designed by the Spanish Society of Community Nutrition is a good tool that can guide us in the home, when consider such elementary things such as the bread is very healthy meals.

It may be useful to print the pyramid and place it in a prominent place in the kitchen.

Monday, October 19, 2009


Kids take mid-morning

 As noted above, have breakfast is important at all ages, but more so during the first years of life.

 Mid-morning snack is highly recommended to help them successfully complete the morning. It has been clearly demonstrated the relationship between school performance and adequate energy intake (study-KID, for example).

 We added a few examples of half-HEC morning, and not so young.

 Fruit juice and bread ...
• Cheese semi
Choped, bologna.

Occasionally, it may be chocolate.
Also, vanilla or chocolate shakes are healthy.
The dairy beverage or flavored yogurt
Yoghurt with cereals

Crackers with jam

 Simply, it is worth making an effort and taking the time to prepare these snacks: when there is no time in the morning, you can leave a sandwich made ​​of Eve and keep it well wrapped in the refrigerator.

The industrial baked (muffins, pastries, ...)
Sugary drinks (canned ...)
Snacks type chips, chocolates, ...


Tuesday, October 13, 2009


FAO last year found that the Mediterranean diet is "in moribund state", after several decades, when it can be said that an important part of the population know their features and benefits.

 As an example, the desserts have replaced the traditional fresh fruit and aversion to this food group is high among the young.

 We propose to consider a day like this that our health often depends on our daily action on many factors: for example, a planned shopping cart, without falling ordinarily caprice, or pay more attention to the offer and seasonal produce, sufficient but not exaggerated.

Do not forget that the U.S. is obesity pandemic long ago, and that Spain runs fast to the podium. And do not forget either. for instance, that more than half of children in South Asia are undernourished.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Celiac Disease

Annually increase the incidence of celiac disease in the population. But this food intolerance can be perfectly compatible with a healthy lifestyle in children or in adults, as long as we know which foods contain gluten (protein fraction of some cereals responsible for intolerance). Attached is a list that can guide or help those responsible for feeding people with this intolerance.List of ingredients that usually appears on the labeling of food products that contain or may contain gluten are:Gluten, grain, flour, modified starches (E-1404, E-1410, E-1412, E-1413, E-1414, E-1420, E-1422, E1440, E-1442, E-1450), starch, starch, fiber, thickeners, meal, protein, vegetable protein, hydrolyzed protein, vegetable protein, malt, malt extract, yeast, yeast extract, spices and flavorings.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Sometimes we have relatives at home with a health problem. Taking care of from feeding is
sometimes the main treatment, and we depend heavily improvement. An example is hypertension, caused by a hardening of the vessel wall.

Attached is a list of foods recommended for its low sodium content and other deprecated.


VEGETABLES: fresh and frozen (avoid in acute phases spinach, celery, chard, watercress, beet and carrot)
Fresh fruits in syrup, juice, dry.
Natural fruit juices.
Unsalted roasted nuts, chestnuts and pine nuts
CEREALS: bread, biscuits and bread without salt.
Rice, pulses, potato
Pasta, flour, cereals.
MEAT: all types, fresh or frozen.
Poultry viscera.
Fresh eggs.
Fresh fish or frozen.
DAIRY: YES, but unsalted cheese. Yes ice cream.
FATS: unsalted butter and margarine. Cream and oils.
Drinks poorly mineralized (<50mg />


VEGETABLES, canned in juice packaged, ready to fry precociados, pickles.
Salted nuts and olives.
MEAT, FISH AND EGGS: meat salted, smoked, cured meats and sausages.
Pizza, cakes, pies.
Meat extracts (type Avecrem etc.)
Salted, smoked, canned, precooked.
FATS AND BUTTER with salt.
Sea salt, iodine, fluorine ..
prepared sauces
Packet soups, mayonnaise, keptchup.
Industrial pastry, snacks, soft drinks,
Coffee (no sodium, but increases tension)

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Often is heard this recommendation from pediatricians, teachers, nutritionists, ... or simply we have this experience. Why do we have to cover our needs well at this moment of the day, whatever our age is?

Breakfast is the first intake we make after a number of hours of fasting. And we need carbohydrate reserves to meet our activities throughout the day. When we got up, these reserves in a healthy individual are not covered.

What should we eat?

Current recommendations state that breakfast has to be composed of milk, cereal and fruit. Also the variety in food choice is important.

Also, breakfast (including a mid-morning recommended but optional) to cover 30% of the energy of the day. It is important to eat a good breakfast, always.

We put forward some examples that illustrate this need so basic that can determine, without realizing it, our activity, performance and effectiveness of it.

The "back to school" is a good time to introduce children-and all the family in this habit as healthy.
This recommendation is outstanding in children and adolescents is extensive literature showing a direct correlation between school performance and proper nutrition in children and adolescents, and a good nutritional status.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Healthy Feeding in Summer: generalities

Our activity in the summer changes dramatically, this is because a lot of factors that directly affect the way we cook and eat: holidays, warmth, friends, outings, parties, the beach, etc make our diet is different to other times of the year.As already mentioned, there are a lot of factors that alter our way of cooking, with the heat and enjoy the holidays more fresh foods and are more street and less in the kitchen. Schedules to be more relaxed make us go to bed later and later also rise up, but not have to skip breakfast: The contribution of carbohydrates, calcium and vitamins no more waking up is very important. A glass of milk, a slice of olive oil with tomato or fruit juice, yogurt and cereals provide everything you need to start your day off right.Meals, excursions, snacks and dinner.MEALSLighter foods and drinks is what we seek to mealtime. The cooked, roasted or spicy foods are heavy in summer. We are also less time in the kitchen making cooking fast food more affordable for this well composed salads and lean meats and grilled fish are highly recommended. Vegetables provide many vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fiber. They also are often taken as gazpacho or fresh vichisoisse as are most desirable and others contribute to the above mentioned, great contribution of fluid we need to restore the moisture balance to lose heat. Fresh fruit offered this season is the most recommended, in addition to its rich and varied taste, brings a wealth of vitamins, minerals, water, fiber and antioxidants.Ice cream is one of those desserts that most took in summer, it should be noted that the ice creams bring water and sugar, and ice cream that provide protein and calcium. Enjoy ice cream is a good resource to beat the heat.The same can be transferred to the restaurant, dishes that are nutritious but light are best suited for summer.

Meals easy to take, varied and refreshing is the most suitable. A very nutritious option is a good salad mixed vegetables: tomato, lettuce, cucumber, bell pepper, carrot, onion, olives, capers, asparagus, etc.., Which can be enriched with cheese, egg, chicken, ham or tuna with chopped fresh fruit like apple, kiwi, pineapple, mango or even nuts like walnuts or dried fruit like raisins or prunes. Also pasta salads, rice or vegetables come very well.A good sandwich bread with chicken, pork, tuna, cheese, ham, or potato omelette, are an adequate intake of protein in our diet. The bread can also be very varied: white or brown bread, seed, comprehensive mold, bread dog or hamburger type ... to do less routine exits.When we do barbecues, you better choose lean meats, firm fish such as turbot, halibut, monkfish and dogfish (the most fragile meat, best grilled) and prioritize vegetables (zucchini, eggplant, peppers, tomatoes, etc. .).SNACKA snack to take away the itch of the afternoon until dinner should be light but satiating power. A dairy (milk, yogurt, cheese ...), cereal (crackers, toast ...) and a fruit will help us get to dinner with counting energy that are elongated in summer afternoons and dinners are later . For children fruit smoothies or chocolate and a snack yoghurt drinks are always well received by its color and flavor, so you can alternate with milk. Here, apart from hydrate, are of high nutritional value, and provide the calcium and milk proteins added calorific value mainly depends on the amount of fat and added ingredients such as chocolate, sugar, sweeteners, fruits, cereals , etc.DINNER
The dinner must be light but good company. In the summer you can eat dinner pasta and soups, grilled fish ... must be light and tasty.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Preparing fruits and vegetables adequately

Fruits and vegetables are the foods we put into our food and we usually eat often raw. Small organisms that are not seen, so it is necessary to manipulate the best way to not harm our health. This entry attempts to explain various steps we can take in our kitchen to eat healthy ...

The first major step is to wash all products in drinking water. Even fruits and vegetables with skins, such as bananas and oranges, should be washed to remove bacteria, pesticides or insects.It is desirable to soak the fruits and vegetables. Water can dissolve some nutrients, such as vitamin C.One of the best ways to prepare fruits and vegetables is to steam, because that vitamins do not have direct contact with the water.Vitamins better support high temperatures for short time at low temperatures for a prolonged period of cooking, so cooking in pressure cooker is a good method.Always preferable baking or, in case of cooking and to avoid losing the nutritional properties of the vegetables, without pelar.Otra best option cook vegetables without cooking them to lose their nutritional properties to the wrapper is roast , wrapping them in foil lightly sprayed with olive oil.Roasted vegetables grilled or broiled considerably lose their vitamins while enhancing flavor.To boil fresh vegetables use minimal amount of water and cut into chunks, to better preserve the vitamins they have.There are desirable terms recalentamientos.En fruit, the best way is to take nutritional eating it raw.To preserve fruits is essential to keep them in a cool place, preferably in the refrigerator. Do not be frozen.Neither should be stored for long periods of time because most fruits lose much of their properties, including vitamins. To this rule there is an exception: the plums increase its vitamin C during ripening.Canned significantly increase the sugar content. However, they retain almost all other properties except vitamin C, which is lost by heat.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Tricks for Summer

What foods are safe in summer? What do my children need with the activity carried in summer? How family enjoy eating healthy? ...

In summer buying mayonnaise, do not make homemade
Cover and store leftovers in the moment.
Do not overload the freezer: you can play tricks.
And fruit juices to replenish water and electrolytes: not healthy constantly resorting to sugary drinks.
Want to know more ...?

Friday, May 29, 2009

What have you eaten today?

Hello, we are Alice and Martha, just opened our blog, which promises to be quite handy.
